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Privacy Policy

Custom Packaging Boxes takes all the necessary steps to ensure the privacy of our valuable customers. So we have the following under clauses for it.

Personal Data

Customers need to provide us with personal data like email, address, contact no. etc. We can use all such information for identification purposes.

Usage Data

We are also eligible to collect usage data like the internet protocol address of our visitors (e.g., IP address), their browser type, etc. Or can collect data about the browser version, the pages of our Service they visit, the time and date of their visit, etc.

Security of Data

We keep the privacy of our customers on the top. Therefore, their personal data is safe with us with the use of commercially acceptable methods. However, there is no guarantee of the security of the data.

Data Sharing

Custom Packaging Boxes shares the personal data of the customers with the third party. This sharing is only in case of satisfactory performance of certain services like with carrier companies, banks, etc. We also have the right to use personal or usage data to improve our performance for providing our customers with the best solutions.

Tracking Cookies

The activity of our customs on our services is tracked by a number of cookies. So customers have a complete right to reject them if they don’t want such tracking technologies.

Update in Privacy Policy

We have the right to change the clauses or add any new clauses in our privacy policy, and we will provide notification to our customers regarding such changes, if any. We may update or modify any clause of our privacy policy so we provide notification or update it on the official website.