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Food Tray

Marketing and food branding have a considerable role in making a small food corner a big fish. With the help of Custom Packaging Boxes, you can emphasize food tray packaging and portray your products in a top-notch way.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Not sure yet? That’s okay, we’ve got you covered. Following are answers of our most Frequently Asked Questions.

Our cat food tray is made of reliable and non-toxic materials. This factor certifies that it is safe and durable for your pets. We use a variety of materials, including eco-friendly bamboo for dog food trays.
Yes, they are ideal for long-term keeping. But it also depends on what you store them in and how. To verify they last a long time, keep them in cool and dry spots, away from heat sources.
The construction of this packaging is stable because of how we manufacture it. Custom Packaging Boxes does everything to meet quality standards.
We know how integral it is to store your packaging accurately so that it stays in pristine shape. It is best practice to stack it. Thus, it stays upright. Do not stack it too high. This factor could make it less stable.
Yes, cardboard material is safe for food tray packaging.

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