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Subscription Boxes

Custom Packaging Boxes crafts custom printed subscription boxes that highlight the visibility of your products. With the elevating rivalry in the market, they are a superb way to differentiate your items from others.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Not sure yet? That’s okay, we’ve got you covered. Following are answers of our most Frequently Asked Questions.

We are pleased to provide recommendations for handling and keeping our boxes. We first suggest keeping them in a dry place. Additionally, keep them away from any sources of moisture and direct sunshine. This element confirms that the boxes maintain their structural integrity and protect your priceless cosmetics from harm.
Our business places a high value on protecting the privacy of our client’s original artwork and designs. We are aware that our customers’ success depends on guarding their unique intellectual property and branding. All of our employees sign a confidentiality agreement covering any sensitive information they may come into touch with while working with us.
Ordering these boxes is a simple approach. Please let us know the edibles’ measurements as well as any additional requirements you may have, such as inserts. We provide you with a project quotation and lead time as soon as we get these facts.
Yes, Custom Packaging Boxes provides a variety of add-ons for these boxes. Among them are inserts and windows. Additionally, we provide a range of window alternatives, such as die-cut forms or transparent panes.
Yes, this is fact that subscription boxes are still popular and used by many brand in Australia.

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